Venus - Year 5/6 2024 - 2025
Mrs Smallshaw
Welcome to Venus Class - Year 5 & 6
Hi, I'm Mrs Smallshaw, Class Teacher and Deputy Headteacher, and I have one of the best jobs in the world! (Well, I believe so). I hope to provide the children with lots of varied learning experiences and develop their independence in their final couple of years of primary school. Children are encouraged to ask lots of questions and challenge themselves. I love to read and hope to encourage and inspire children to find books and authors that they love too. I also enjoy leading our school Worship Group and Netball Team.
Mrs Russell, our Teaching Assistant, supports the children with their learning every day. She works with groups and individuals in our Reading, Maths, Spelling and English lessons.
Miss Bamber teaches in our class every Tuesday. Our Class Facebook Group link is just below.
If you ever have any questions, feel free to contact me:
All class information can be found on the tabs underneath.
Our Agents of Change question
This year we are thinking about using our voices and showing how they can be powerful to promote change. As a class, we have completed two litter picks around school and we have planend to go litter picking in the community in March 2025. We will repeat this a couple of times so we can see what the problems are and what we can do next to encourage change in the community we live in. As a result of this, we have also organised a sponsored walk in the Summer Term for 'Keeping Britain Tidy'. Another group of students have been encouraging our school community to donate to the local foodbank in Blackburn and we have set up drop-off and a collection service, and are creating monthly promotions on our scial media platforms.
As part of our project we have written this class prayer together. The prayer was written by the children and they used Mark 10:14 as a basis for their prayer. We say this prayer at the end of each day, in the hope that presistent prayer will support us in driving change.
Our emotions check-in
Each morning when children come into class they are greeted by their teacher, or teaching assistant, and are asked to consider how they are feeling. Children pop their lolly stick into the pot which best suits how they feel at the time. We check-in with children who are feeling sad and may need someone to talk to.
Our Class Bible Quote
Our Bible quote comes from 1 Corinthians 16:14 and is said each day before lunch. In the image above you can see we have discussed how we put our Bible verse into action over lunch time.
Termly Timetable
Details of what is happening in our class on a weekly basis are below
Monday: Spelling sheet comes home
Tuesday: Mrs Bamber teaches us. PE
Wednesday: Buddies
Thursday: PE
Friday: Spellings should be returned