Neptune - Year 3/4 2024 - 2025

Mrs Tyson

Mrs Rees

Welcome to Neptune Class!

Hello everyone in Neptune class! Mrs. Tyson and Mrs. Rees are the class teachers for Neptune, a Year 3/4 class, at Salesbury Church of England Primary School. We love helping every child reach their full potential and prepare them for the future. We really enjoy working with the staff to offer the children memorable learning experiences in Year 3 and 4.

Mrs. Rees works on a Monday, Friday and every other Tuesday morning. 

Mrs. Tyson works on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

We have a number of adults who support our learning:

Mrs. Tyson and Mrs. Rees are the class teachers.

Mrs. Melling, Ms Bleazard, Mrs Pearson and Miss Bridges work as Teaching Assistants in supporting the children.

If you would like to contact us, please don't hesitate to call school or email us at or


Our Facebook Group link is: 


Class Prayer


Neptune Class Prayer


Agents of Change Question

Neptune Class 2024-2025.png

Emotion Check In 

Emotion Check In.jpg 


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