
Welcome to Salesbury Church of England Primary School - giving all children a chance to shine!

Thank you for taking time to visit the website for Salesbury Church of England Primary School. 

Salesbury Church of England Primary School is a vibrant school community and is continually moving forward. The school offers a rich and varied curriculum for children in Nursery to Y6.  We have written the curriculum ourselves so we can both ensure we cover the National Curriculum (and a little more) and it truly provides our children what they need and makes the most of our wonderful surroundings.  We re-evaluate our curriculum each year to ensure it is relevant, real and engaging and enables our Christian vision to be lived out as our days are planned for challenge, stillness, energy, reflection, ambition and fun!

Our school has a strong Christian ethos which is firmly underpinned by God's word.  We have identified with a particular verse found in the Book of Psalms - Psalm 119 105 which reminds us how we can use the Bible, its teaching and guidance and the example of Jesus to live out our daily lives. 

Having this strong theological root provides us with clear direction and purpose and a sound connection with others. It guides us in all our choices, each and every day.  We are a welcoming school community inviting all who share faith, all who have their own faith, all who explore faith or who have no faith - this rich tapestry  - our community - enables us to learn from each other; learn about each other and live our life to its fullest.  Through the teaching and learning of fundamental values. we learn how we are all connected and become all the more richer for having done so!

Salesbury is committed to working alongside parents, parish and local community to ensure that it has a real and warm family feeling! We aim to keep parents fully informed through weekly newsletters, class Facebook pages and our school website.

Our school aims to be a place where:-

• we all talk of ‘our’ achievement and everyone is determined to improve;

• all pupils are increasingly aware of their potential and that it is without limit if they make the effort;

  • learning is adapted so everyone can get started and everyone can get a little stuck! We love a challenge!

• Everyone feels fulfilled in what they do and contributes to the fulfilment of others;

• The full range of success – sporting, academic, musical, artistic, practical support for others, triumph over adversity – is celebrated;

• All members of the school community are committed to their own continuous learning and support that of others;

• Everyone is aware of the school’s collective past and present success and is ambitious to contribute to that collective legacy for future generations

Salesbury Church of England Primary School hopes to facilitate these aims and to promote the fun of learning and the pleasure of achievement. It is hoped that children will be 'hungry for learning' and leave our school wanting more!  We have made sure our curriculum offer has some exciting, surprising ingredients which will help create lasting memories of their primary days and give children much to talk, write and think about!

As a strong Church School, we enjoy close links with St. Peter's Church and the local community. We regularly hold services in Church and on those occasions everyone is always welcome. 

If you would like to visit our school, or find out more, please do get in touch!

Clare Berryman

